Ladies, gentlemen,
I'm happy to announce Poolside, the third episode in the growing collection of Queensport HTML5/Canvas games is LIVE. Play it here. It has been live for 2 weeks but I've been busy and forgot about this blog.
What can you expect?
Basically, the city of Queensport has been established as over-arching game environment in which interlinked and at times individual episodes take place. From episode 3 onward the game runs on mobile devices! A main quest has been introduced and the story will develop over time as you play more missions or episodes.
This means that the third episode also introduces the new and improved game framework. Now boasting 5 canvas layers, the colour difference between animation and background is gone. I couldn't solve the compressions difference between MPG4 and JPG that caused this problem, so I've now got a 1 frame MPG4 background with the same compression as the animations. Interestingly, this isn't a bigger file-size. On occasion (especially when I used 1600*1200 backgrounds) it's even smaller. With this framework I've also changed the database approach. Read about player data on my Wiki. There's also a pre-loader now, so after the first few images the game should load faster. I try to keep the animations small, between 2 and 3 meg each.
The fifth canvas layer allows for a consistent in-game help function where you'll be able to get additional information and clues at each stage of the game.
More information about my growing games collection can be found on the wiki mentioned above so I'll keep it at tihs.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Monday, 24 October 2016
Blackmail (Queensport Episode Two) is LIVE!
There's a new episode available in the ever growing colection of QUEENSPORT (links below).
It features:
You can continue to Episode two after you finish with episode one or start fresh.
In episode two the main protagonist character is an accountant (the advisor in Episode one, Tuition fees) who has the keys to the office and a lot more options. You can also keep your character from the four other narratives from episode one or create one random. They can finish the quest but have less choices and areas to explore. In episode three the accountant will be a supporting character and the story will focus on some of the others.
All characters can finish the quest: your/the assistant is being blackmailed. Do something about it.
This episode also introduces the new game feature 'Love Shack'; a player home which you can use to invite NPCs you've met during your adventures to engage in interesting activities outside of the main story line(s). It's only an introduction at this time since I've focussed on the audio narratives but I've done the animations and renders and will increase content on a weekly basis. Give it a run, enjoy.
New general game information site
Start with episode one here (and continue to episode two or play again once you've finished the episode)
or play episode two here (you can always restart or jump back to episode one after you've played it through)
- Area exploration; find things to use later
- Inventory management; inspect what you have, use items
- interactive dialogues and animated scenes you remember from Episode one
- Supporting relevant audio under many scenes
- Audio narrated interactive animations
You can continue to Episode two after you finish with episode one or start fresh.
In episode two the main protagonist character is an accountant (the advisor in Episode one, Tuition fees) who has the keys to the office and a lot more options. You can also keep your character from the four other narratives from episode one or create one random. They can finish the quest but have less choices and areas to explore. In episode three the accountant will be a supporting character and the story will focus on some of the others.
All characters can finish the quest: your/the assistant is being blackmailed. Do something about it.
This episode also introduces the new game feature 'Love Shack'; a player home which you can use to invite NPCs you've met during your adventures to engage in interesting activities outside of the main story line(s). It's only an introduction at this time since I've focussed on the audio narratives but I've done the animations and renders and will increase content on a weekly basis. Give it a run, enjoy.
New general game information site
Start with episode one here (and continue to episode two or play again once you've finished the episode)
or play episode two here (you can always restart or jump back to episode one after you've played it through)
Monday, 3 October 2016
With Episode 2 and the Love Shack (Player Home) comes a new Splash
Since the growing collection of games can be played individually or in sequence I've decided to place the stories in a fictional city 'Queensport' (with a nod and a wink to Lovecraft's 'Kingsport') and call the games episodes instead of chapters, which suggests a mandatory play-through but I aim for freedom.
I've created this city myself[*] and it's much bigger than this single picture shows. In the future you'll be able to explore this city to encounter characters and/or find items to add to your Love Shack Contact List resp. Storage. Like I've said before; with Tuition Fees I've built a shed while collecting the tools. Now I'm going to build houses, castles, cities even. I've only just started. Patreon stores when Patrons joined this effort and I will reward loyalty and stamina :) Episode 2 is expected to be released in the weekend of October 22. Stay tuned.
[*] Open Simulator 3 dimensional virtual world
I've created this city myself[*] and it's much bigger than this single picture shows. In the future you'll be able to explore this city to encounter characters and/or find items to add to your Love Shack Contact List resp. Storage. Like I've said before; with Tuition Fees I've built a shed while collecting the tools. Now I'm going to build houses, castles, cities even. I've only just started. Patreon stores when Patrons joined this effort and I will reward loyalty and stamina :) Episode 2 is expected to be released in the weekend of October 22. Stay tuned.
[*] Open Simulator 3 dimensional virtual world
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Introducing: Player Homes
With the release of the next story line comes the introduction of an entirely new feature: Player Homes or Love Shacks. After the adventures in chapter one you've developed a taste for more. Away from prying eyes and obtained the keys to a private home.
In your Love Shack you can invite the characters you've met for interesting additional activities outside of the main story line. But, you've got to make sure they like you enough. And you'll need furniture because nobody, at this point in time, will want to have a romp on a cold hard floor. You'll start with an empty place.
You can obtain furniture by completing story lines and various other (undecided) means. At this point in time you'll get a carpet once you finish the Advisor story line in Chapter 2. You'll have to place and manage your furniture because eventually you'll have more furniture than slots for it. Additionally, the available furniture in your Love Shack determines which activities are possible. And not all characters you'll meet over time have the same preferences.
The more furniture and items you collect, the more possibilities you have in your Love Shack. This is an example of the possible situation after some time. Make tea or coffee, Netflix and chill, dance. You'll win the heart of even the most reluctant visitor. And have some fun with them.
You'll use your land-line to contact characters you've met over the course of the game. Whether or not they want to visit you depends on their attitude toward you, which you influence by your previous actions. Similarly, the activities they are willing to engage in depends on that attitude. But, once they have arrived you can improve that attitude again by dialogue and using items. Obviously, if you pay them (read: ME!) they will have very warm feelings for you as well.
Once they arrive, you'll immediately see how they feel about you. In this example the visitor is extremely happy to see you. That will be a piece of cake. A good thing, because all you have is a carpet. For now.
Player Homes are exclusively available for Patrons and every patron will get one for free with the release of next chapter, expected nearing the end of October 2016.
In your Love Shack you can invite the characters you've met for interesting additional activities outside of the main story line. But, you've got to make sure they like you enough. And you'll need furniture because nobody, at this point in time, will want to have a romp on a cold hard floor. You'll start with an empty place.
You can obtain furniture by completing story lines and various other (undecided) means. At this point in time you'll get a carpet once you finish the Advisor story line in Chapter 2. You'll have to place and manage your furniture because eventually you'll have more furniture than slots for it. Additionally, the available furniture in your Love Shack determines which activities are possible. And not all characters you'll meet over time have the same preferences.
The more furniture and items you collect, the more possibilities you have in your Love Shack. This is an example of the possible situation after some time. Make tea or coffee, Netflix and chill, dance. You'll win the heart of even the most reluctant visitor. And have some fun with them.
You'll use your land-line to contact characters you've met over the course of the game. Whether or not they want to visit you depends on their attitude toward you, which you influence by your previous actions. Similarly, the activities they are willing to engage in depends on that attitude. But, once they have arrived you can improve that attitude again by dialogue and using items. Obviously, if you pay them (read: ME!) they will have very warm feelings for you as well.
Once they arrive, you'll immediately see how they feel about you. In this example the visitor is extremely happy to see you. That will be a piece of cake. A good thing, because all you have is a carpet. For now.
Player Homes are exclusively available for Patrons and every patron will get one for free with the release of next chapter, expected nearing the end of October 2016.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Massive, epic update.
The next update, probably to be released to the public this weekend and currently being played by my patrons is truly epic. It's got a new, third animation in Chapter 1, highly interactive and with different views; you can complete the entire sequence without ever seeing more than her face and tits with nipples or you can look down to where the action is, and switch between these views. But that's not the most important part of this release. The completion of the game framework or foundation is: a bespoke database.

Chapter 1 was the trunk of the tree with three branches and now these will grow and fork in turn. Continuously.
An alternative metaphor is that while gathering and crafting the tools I've built a shed. Now I'm going to build houses with rooms, castles, a city. A city populated with NPCs who have a story and an attitude which is influenced by the player's actions.
I've played hundreds of games in all the genres you can imagine. I'm going to combine these experiences in an environment that is rewarding for gamers but also caters for a more casual approach in case you want to sit back, relax, enjoy. I'm also slowly implementing previously established ideas like the three different story modes (fast, medium, immersive) and the PG versus hardcore choice, as indicated in the first paragraph
I have only just started.
Register on my members site to be kept up to date about when, exactly, new releases are going public. Here's a screenshot of one story start of chapter two. Oh, I almost forgot; that starts with scene exploration and involves items to collect and an inventory

Monday, 5 September 2016
The day Google Chrome lost
Market dominance is never a good thing. It makes for sloppy. Careless. Arrogant. And so it is with Google Chrome. If I check my stats Chrome leads with 57%, followed by Firefox with 21% and the rest is under 10%, Safari at 7%, Qt and Internet Explorer at 6%. So you'd think they lead but they actually lost, in performance, from all others, even fucking Internet Explorer.
Because Google Chrome is the only one that doesn't correctly display the video I've embedded in my HTML5 Canvas. It makes things up. It changes dimensions.

I've put a great deal of thought into making everything independent from viewport size; I don't work in pixels, I work in percentages. So that the images and video always scale and align perfectly, on a big screen or on a tablet and even on a phone. And that works like a charm for every god damned browser, even Internet Explorer, apart from Google Chrome.
Now, obviously, you don't have to give a fuck about small independent developers like me when you're one of the biggest, richest companies on the planet. Totalitarian, monopolistic rulers don't have to give a shit about anything or anybody any more, apart from how to hide their money from the tax-man.
Yes, I'm infuriated. I've sent some tweets to the Google Chrome Devs but, sure enough, just silence is the result. I've searched my ass off to see if they had some obscure list of acceptable aspect ratios or something. Zip. Nada. So Google Chrome is fucking up my video, my display and none of the others do. THEY ARE FUCKING UP MY GAME!
It isn't me. If it was, it would happen in other browsers as well. It's them. And HTML5 is a standard, so is the video. Google Chrome fucks up standards. Big enough to get away with it.
And now I've got to spend tons of time to try and fix it. Fix Google Chrome's mistakes. Can I send them an invoice for the hours spent? Shall I just bill them? Well, they'll have many lawyers in their employ, and can afford them, to make sure nothing like that will ever be successful.
Once, long past, Google declared it didn't want to be Evil. Well, those days have passed. Google is Evil and Chrome is it's evidence. And it pisses me off to no extent that these arrogant bastards, again, rich as fuck, richer than many countries, with the smartest developers on the planet in their employ fuck over somebody like me with plain, pure, indifference, carelessly crushing ants. It's what giants do.
On a side note, Safari does change the colour depth of my video. I've got to look into that. Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Chrome don't. But obviously, Apple is as Evil as Google. I think they have a secret competition. Who can be the biggest cunt on the planet? Get away with the most obvious atrocities? Microsoft, once contender, is out of that race for a decade now. And displays my embedded video as intended.
Because Google Chrome is the only one that doesn't correctly display the video I've embedded in my HTML5 Canvas. It makes things up. It changes dimensions.

I've put a great deal of thought into making everything independent from viewport size; I don't work in pixels, I work in percentages. So that the images and video always scale and align perfectly, on a big screen or on a tablet and even on a phone. And that works like a charm for every god damned browser, even Internet Explorer, apart from Google Chrome.
Now, obviously, you don't have to give a fuck about small independent developers like me when you're one of the biggest, richest companies on the planet. Totalitarian, monopolistic rulers don't have to give a shit about anything or anybody any more, apart from how to hide their money from the tax-man.
Yes, I'm infuriated. I've sent some tweets to the Google Chrome Devs but, sure enough, just silence is the result. I've searched my ass off to see if they had some obscure list of acceptable aspect ratios or something. Zip. Nada. So Google Chrome is fucking up my video, my display and none of the others do. THEY ARE FUCKING UP MY GAME!
It isn't me. If it was, it would happen in other browsers as well. It's them. And HTML5 is a standard, so is the video. Google Chrome fucks up standards. Big enough to get away with it.
And now I've got to spend tons of time to try and fix it. Fix Google Chrome's mistakes. Can I send them an invoice for the hours spent? Shall I just bill them? Well, they'll have many lawyers in their employ, and can afford them, to make sure nothing like that will ever be successful.
Once, long past, Google declared it didn't want to be Evil. Well, those days have passed. Google is Evil and Chrome is it's evidence. And it pisses me off to no extent that these arrogant bastards, again, rich as fuck, richer than many countries, with the smartest developers on the planet in their employ fuck over somebody like me with plain, pure, indifference, carelessly crushing ants. It's what giants do.
On a side note, Safari does change the colour depth of my video. I've got to look into that. Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Chrome don't. But obviously, Apple is as Evil as Google. I think they have a secret competition. Who can be the biggest cunt on the planet? Get away with the most obvious atrocities? Microsoft, once contender, is out of that race for a decade now. And displays my embedded video as intended.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Beta 2 (full story) is LIVE!
Interactive Graphic Novel / Game Tuition Fees Beta 2 released 2016-08-29 and it's now a full fledged demo of Chapter 01 with:
- 6 story lines with different conversation & possible interactions in
- 10 scenes, 9 of which include an embedded MPG4 animated backdrop
- 2 possible ending animations (narrated depending on story line) which I can't show you here because they are definitely NSFW and include an animated moneyshot :)
I've removed the feminist dilemma for now since no feminist seemed to care, it may frustrate or annoy my core target audience and it's a lot of work. So, I'm still not going to do rape or non-consensual but the fierce and in my opinion justified reaction at times is gone. Nobody seems to give a fuck, so why should I? If feminists don't put their money where their mouth is, and they can do so on my Patreon page where there's a specific option to insert it, porn will just be porn.
Give it a spin (links in the upper right corner) and use the comments below to tell me what you think.
- 6 story lines with different conversation & possible interactions in
- 10 scenes, 9 of which include an embedded MPG4 animated backdrop
- 2 possible ending animations (narrated depending on story line) which I can't show you here because they are definitely NSFW and include an animated moneyshot :)
I've removed the feminist dilemma for now since no feminist seemed to care, it may frustrate or annoy my core target audience and it's a lot of work. So, I'm still not going to do rape or non-consensual but the fierce and in my opinion justified reaction at times is gone. Nobody seems to give a fuck, so why should I? If feminists don't put their money where their mouth is, and they can do so on my Patreon page where there's a specific option to insert it, porn will just be porn.
Give it a spin (links in the upper right corner) and use the comments below to tell me what you think.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Giving Back: The Alphabet
The Phoencian Alphabet.
As you may or may not (but should) know, the alphabet we use in the west is in essence invented by a sea faring tribe of merchants. I might add that it was in that time, and I suspect ever since, the only tribe that expanded power and influence by means of trade instead of armed conflict. They spread this alphabet because it's much easier to trade if you can understand each other and know you are talking about one and the same thing.
Now, I needed this alphabet in .obj file format because I wanted to create a logo for the main page that leads to my games in various stages of development, a general entry point for the both and some general links. A simple yet sexy page, not too much in your face. With an animated logo embedded in my HTML5 canvas, because that's the (graphical) ingredient that makes my work stand out from the crowd.
Here it is (in ugly crunched .gif):
So, anyhow, I needed the alphabet in .obj file format and thought that would be easy to find, and free, being generic, ancient as fuck and all. But, surprisingly, I couldn't find it quickly, apart from versions I had to pay for and while I understand time, work, skills have value and results don't need to be free per definition, I'm poor as dirt and can't afford it. Besides, come on, it's the bleedin' alphabet, everybody should have a right to use it. Nope, couldn't find it (but maybe my Google skills suck). I did however find it in .stl format under the GNU/GPL license (commercial use allowed) but the program I'm using couldn't eat it.
I had to convert it and luckily, some brilliant people provide just that service on the internet and letter by letter, digit by digit, I obtained the alphabet in .obj file format. Hooray.
Job done, right?
Well, here's the thing, as with my feminist Dilemma, I'm not your middle of the road porn producer. There's some people who have invested their time to mine out the resources I could use to craft what I needed. I've put some time in it as well. Time is money, aye, I'm aware. But I'm getting, and I'm giving back. So the next individual who needs a simple, basic but perfectly workable alphabet in .obj format doesn't have to spend that time but can just go & grab mine.
It lives here (completely safe for work and clean, no ads, banners, pop-ups, cookies, cam-girls). You're welcome.
Once I've got some more resources up, files like these but also useful snippets of code (like my super sexy universal canvas text-wrapped-in-a-box) I'll put the link in the box up to the right, for now you'll just have to trawl through these (TL;DR) walls of text to get to the goodies.
Oh, wait, before I forget; new page is up with access to two! games under development. Here.
As you may or may not (but should) know, the alphabet we use in the west is in essence invented by a sea faring tribe of merchants. I might add that it was in that time, and I suspect ever since, the only tribe that expanded power and influence by means of trade instead of armed conflict. They spread this alphabet because it's much easier to trade if you can understand each other and know you are talking about one and the same thing.
Now, I needed this alphabet in .obj file format because I wanted to create a logo for the main page that leads to my games in various stages of development, a general entry point for the both and some general links. A simple yet sexy page, not too much in your face. With an animated logo embedded in my HTML5 canvas, because that's the (graphical) ingredient that makes my work stand out from the crowd.
Here it is (in ugly crunched .gif):
So, anyhow, I needed the alphabet in .obj file format and thought that would be easy to find, and free, being generic, ancient as fuck and all. But, surprisingly, I couldn't find it quickly, apart from versions I had to pay for and while I understand time, work, skills have value and results don't need to be free per definition, I'm poor as dirt and can't afford it. Besides, come on, it's the bleedin' alphabet, everybody should have a right to use it. Nope, couldn't find it (but maybe my Google skills suck). I did however find it in .stl format under the GNU/GPL license (commercial use allowed) but the program I'm using couldn't eat it.
I had to convert it and luckily, some brilliant people provide just that service on the internet and letter by letter, digit by digit, I obtained the alphabet in .obj file format. Hooray.
Job done, right?
Well, here's the thing, as with my feminist Dilemma, I'm not your middle of the road porn producer. There's some people who have invested their time to mine out the resources I could use to craft what I needed. I've put some time in it as well. Time is money, aye, I'm aware. But I'm getting, and I'm giving back. So the next individual who needs a simple, basic but perfectly workable alphabet in .obj format doesn't have to spend that time but can just go & grab mine.
It lives here (completely safe for work and clean, no ads, banners, pop-ups, cookies, cam-girls). You're welcome.
Once I've got some more resources up, files like these but also useful snippets of code (like my super sexy universal canvas text-wrapped-in-a-box) I'll put the link in the box up to the right, for now you'll just have to trawl through these (TL;DR) walls of text to get to the goodies.
Oh, wait, before I forget; new page is up with access to two! games under development. Here.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
The Feminist Dilemma
Yeah, right, you think. A porn producer with a feminist dilemma. Well, crawl down to the bottom and start reading how I got here, before you judge. And secondly, yeah, it's totally possible. And I'll explain why.

I know, this stuff doesn't look like it's catering to feminism, does it? And, admittedly, the game or interactive novel is intended to reach a male audience with one thing on their mind. As per usual, one could argue.
Before I continue I should explain that the current active beta is

I know, this stuff doesn't look like it's catering to feminism, does it? And, admittedly, the game or interactive novel is intended to reach a male audience with one thing on their mind. As per usual, one could argue.
Before I continue I should explain that the current active beta is
- one branch of a game setting or framework that has(so far) two branches; the development demo preceding this branch is simply disabled to reach the most recent production stage first and exclusively and
- in early stages, which means the foundation of the various story lines and resulting (possible) interactions is established but the story in itself, the extent of the narratives is extremely limited. This might give you the idea it's just plain superficial and stupid, which it is, at the moment but that's not going to stay that way. The various roles you can choose for the protagonist will have a more profound effect on character relation and development thereof.
Now, that being said; the Feminist Dilemma. So, ok, sure, I'm a man, I like porn (my wife knows and doesn't mind) and am frequently disappointed by how shallow it is, especially where games are concerned, which is why I started to code this to begin with. But worse than disappointed, I'm frequently infuriated by some of the behaviours, attitudes and plain assumptions that are considered to be normal, and thus become norm. This is teaching men and boys the wrong thing. So, in my game, there comes a time (depending on which character you've selected to play) that you get to comment on the girl's outfit and subsequently have to respond to her reaction. And this you can get wrong. Check out the screen-shot below.
Yup. You got it wrong. You can't judge a girl by what she's wearing, that's none of your business and you should treat her according to her actions and what she's saying. The protagonists admits as much but still has to start over. No excuses.
I'm assuming there's plenty of users who will find this annoying. The girl looks like a slut, right, and she's in a bleedin' porn game, what does she expect. Well, the same thing as when she comes home with somebody after clubbing in a figure hugging dress and that's not to be raped. No matter what she's wearing.
Angering potential users of this game, especially when you're poor as dirt and months if not weeks away from living under a bridge might not be the smartest of moves. But I will not do rape, I will not do non-consensual and even if my characters are or have to be, in this context, somewhat shallow, stupid or predictable there will come moments that my morals and ethics start protesting and I'll point out some horrible misconceptions, often indeed reiterated by porn.
That's when my feminist dilemma kicks in.
Deal with it.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Tuition Fees & Student Loans
Actually, Tuition Fees is the (working) title of the second branch in my framework under development but I thought Google might like Student Loans as well.
To remind you: this blog follows the development of a framework for interactive, animated 3DGCI games and interactive graphic novels that are created within HTML5 (Canvas) & Javascript /Jquery so they run in a browser, independent from device or screen resolution. I'm hoping to make a living with it, and not love under a bridge in a couple of months. Nobody wants to hire an old fart like me, and believe me I tried, ageism ftw, especially in technology. Google it.

I'm creating demonstrations of two concepts in a single framework: all content can be accessed from a single entry point. Currently in development are
- Extra Curricular; a GAME, point and click adventure, with character selection, room exploration, inventory management, dynamic dialogue etc. This is a challenge, for players.
- Tuition Fees; an INTERACTIVE GRAPHICAL NOVEL where the story that develops is based on user interaction. This is not as hard (you'll get there) but the challenge is to try and unlock all streams.
The first demo of Tuition Fees will be released next Friday (2016-08-12) but I thought I'd give you a preview of the animations that are embedded in the first version and the interface, obviously under heavy development. But it indicates the responses from protagonist and female character and the presentation of choices. The bar on the lower right indicates her mood or attitude towards the protagonist, you. Also, it's mister Random because I can't be arsed to change the default name during testing, but users can if they so desire.
Don't be a stranger, stay tuned.
To remind you: this blog follows the development of a framework for interactive, animated 3DGCI games and interactive graphic novels that are created within HTML5 (Canvas) & Javascript /Jquery so they run in a browser, independent from device or screen resolution. I'm hoping to make a living with it, and not love under a bridge in a couple of months. Nobody wants to hire an old fart like me, and believe me I tried, ageism ftw, especially in technology. Google it.

I'm creating demonstrations of two concepts in a single framework: all content can be accessed from a single entry point. Currently in development are
- Extra Curricular; a GAME, point and click adventure, with character selection, room exploration, inventory management, dynamic dialogue etc. This is a challenge, for players.
- Tuition Fees; an INTERACTIVE GRAPHICAL NOVEL where the story that develops is based on user interaction. This is not as hard (you'll get there) but the challenge is to try and unlock all streams.
The first demo of Tuition Fees will be released next Friday (2016-08-12) but I thought I'd give you a preview of the animations that are embedded in the first version and the interface, obviously under heavy development. But it indicates the responses from protagonist and female character and the presentation of choices. The bar on the lower right indicates her mood or attitude towards the protagonist, you. Also, it's mister Random because I can't be arsed to change the default name during testing, but users can if they so desire.
Don't be a stranger, stay tuned.
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Dev Demo 3 is Live! \o/
As you know I'm working very hard on this and intend to upload a new development demo every week, which shows in first instance the basic game features and mechanics while it is progressing to a decent beta, which will be a full story, albeit with limited content availability. We've now reached number three. The upper right corner of this blog provides you with the links you need, all safe for work and clean.
Dev demo 3 includes:
Content Intensity Selection (PG, Mature, Hardcore)
-- remember you can vote on the support site for which version to develop first. For a measly $1.49 per month you get to have a say in priorities.--
Character selection (Redhead or Blonde?)
-- characters are animated in the game, both during game-play as scene transitions--
Story Selection (Short, Medium, Long?)
Environment Exploration & Inventory Decisions (Find the dildo's but do you take them all?)
Flashback Animations (Once you found the dildo's)
Outfit Selection (concept, only 2 included in demo, one for each girl)
Girl's attitude (based on exploration decisions, 3 out of 7 active)
Dynamic Dialogue (concept start)
UI (concept start) which includes a 'Leech Meter'; every click increases it and once full can only be reset by visiting one of the provided links :)
Next I'll work on two main things:
the User Interface, which will include things like Attitude Meter, Memories (video library and actions-results combinations), Back and Forward buttons (the latter of which will have limited functionality in the demo but the former will allow you to 'step back' and change decisions), a way to access and use inventory, help and information buttons (to replace these walls of text you're now confronted with) and
Interactive Dialogue, now up in concept, your (sequence of) choices influences the girl's attitude. I'll also add things to do instead of just say like 'look at ...'
While doing so I'll work on expanding the current animations and graphics create new ones.
Because I need to test for instance dialogue or animations I want to jump to these positions in the game and I'll create devJump locations, secret hot-spots at certain game stages to skip choices and move forward with a set selection of choices. These will be active from development version 4 onward. But if you want to know where they are, you've got to support development of the game. And no, random clicking on the screen probably won't let you find them because they are interdependent; :)
Dev demo 3 includes:
Content Intensity Selection (PG, Mature, Hardcore)
-- remember you can vote on the support site for which version to develop first. For a measly $1.49 per month you get to have a say in priorities.--
Character selection (Redhead or Blonde?)
-- characters are animated in the game, both during game-play as scene transitions--
Story Selection (Short, Medium, Long?)
Environment Exploration & Inventory Decisions (Find the dildo's but do you take them all?)
Flashback Animations (Once you found the dildo's)
Outfit Selection (concept, only 2 included in demo, one for each girl)
Girl's attitude (based on exploration decisions, 3 out of 7 active)
Dynamic Dialogue (concept start)
UI (concept start) which includes a 'Leech Meter'; every click increases it and once full can only be reset by visiting one of the provided links :)
Next I'll work on two main things:
the User Interface, which will include things like Attitude Meter, Memories (video library and actions-results combinations), Back and Forward buttons (the latter of which will have limited functionality in the demo but the former will allow you to 'step back' and change decisions), a way to access and use inventory, help and information buttons (to replace these walls of text you're now confronted with) and
Interactive Dialogue, now up in concept, your (sequence of) choices influences the girl's attitude. I'll also add things to do instead of just say like 'look at ...'
While doing so I'll work on expanding the current animations and graphics create new ones.
Because I need to test for instance dialogue or animations I want to jump to these positions in the game and I'll create devJump locations, secret hot-spots at certain game stages to skip choices and move forward with a set selection of choices. These will be active from development version 4 onward. But if you want to know where they are, you've got to support development of the game. And no, random clicking on the screen probably won't let you find them because they are interdependent; :)
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Don't worry, I'm a Counter
It's me! Don't worry! Your soon to be favourite indie erotic game producer! Yes, yes, I know, you got here without your consent, without actually clicking on anything you'd recognise as a link but come on, that's not the first time is it? Why don't you buy me a coffee? Or a beer? :)
You're not being redirected to some atrocious cam site, click bait bullshit or what have you that's part of that thick layer of nauseating slime that's covering the World Wide Web in these days. YET!!!!! You'll see me first fired from within the game when product X, Y or Z is mentioned to show I can do product placement in the game to generate revenue. And I won't do it again in this (beta version)! Promise! But you do understand I have to make a living, right, so visit my support site and this shit doesn't need to happen. It's up to you.
This also tells me how many times my game is actually accessed, you understand the reasons, don't you? This blog is free because the data that's being harvested represents value for the company that runs it. I get that. But they also have a sexy statistics tracker that saves me some time so, never mind me, I'm just a counter. On you go, sorry about the interruption :)
You're not being redirected to some atrocious cam site, click bait bullshit or what have you that's part of that thick layer of nauseating slime that's covering the World Wide Web in these days. YET!!!!! You'll see me first fired from within the game when product X, Y or Z is mentioned to show I can do product placement in the game to generate revenue. And I won't do it again in this (beta version)! Promise! But you do understand I have to make a living, right, so visit my support site and this shit doesn't need to happen. It's up to you.
This also tells me how many times my game is actually accessed, you understand the reasons, don't you? This blog is free because the data that's being harvested represents value for the company that runs it. I get that. But they also have a sexy statistics tracker that saves me some time so, never mind me, I'm just a counter. On you go, sorry about the interruption :)
Monday, 1 August 2016
Reason for the PG option
I started this blog a week ago with the musing, a little surprised, that I found myself producing porn.
But wait, why, I don't have to. Nobody is telling me I have to.
I was thinking yesterday, I do that an awful lot, and realised I was just looking for some type of game that I didn't seem to be able to find. Something like Leisure Suit Larry; teasing, witty, sarcastic but a bit more modern. Not a remake, but something along those lines. I started searching for it and bumped into many adult or erotic or pornographic games but very few and far between were actually games. They are interfaces to get to the naughty. Many of them with atrocious graphics. Frequently the main challenge was to move your mouse in a certain speed to reach a certain level of excitement. In short, where adult content forms a big chunk of the internet and it's traffic and games form a big chunk or contemporary entertainment, where these meet seemed to be in it's infancy.
There were however two exceptions. There may be more but those two set me on this course because they were better but they weren't near what I was looking for, a more complete and challenging game with erotic undertones or full fledged adult content. One was more interesting, as a game but was using pictures and if I want to see Ukrainian chicks in compromising positions I know where to find them. The other had indeed fairly interesting art & graphics but a few plays showed the game was limited in challenges or scope. Bored rather quickly. Still, it was one of the better products I encountered in a quick search. And, more or equally important, none of it was something I couldn't do. That personal itch thing. Some people understand what I'm talking about: if you want something some way and it doesn't exist while you have the skills, you end up going out and hacking it together yourself.
And I thought that I couldn't be the only one who had been looking for this. One of the examples mentioned above, and my de facto inspiration to go out and do it (with some serious urgency, I might add) was making a little over £2.900 a month when I first checked his Patreon page. Two weeks later this was over £3.000.
I realised this could save my life. I don't want to sound desperate, but I am. And I could make similar at the very least and probably better, if not graphics (which is a matter of taste) then game-play; I've been playing around with partially random, interactive stories for years. I went at it with a vengeance, 18 hour days, coding or messing with The GIMP while CGI and animation was rendering in the background. Living on coffee. One week later the first demo was up, the website registered, the CMS installed. Another week later the second demo was up. The uncertainties about the technical feasibilities gone. One heroic individual had registered as a member. My first sponsor broke the ice.
And so Sunday I sat there, tired but happy that I met the (self imposed) deadlines and that, with that single first sponsor and member, the concept appeared not to be dead in the water. I went out to promote my game on Reddit, introduced myself and, on the spur of the moment, referred to Leisure Suit Larry with another post, 'Ken Sent Me', wondering how many people would remember this. But it also set me thinking.
Why porn? It wasn't necessarily porn I was looking for, even while I don't object to it. Or better, why only porn? I'm establishing a framework in which many stories, chapters or episodes can be developed. I'm putting up choices, implementing the twigs that can be branches and even sowing seeds that can grow into trees for future development. Why not also insert a PG option. Still sexy but not 'in your face', not explicit, hard core penetration and money shot. Tune it down a bit. So I've decided to insert that option which will be live in demo 3. You'll get to choose how low you want to go, or how deep, excuse these puns, with a PG or 18+ version.
Sounds good? Join the discussion in comments or connect on Facebook.
You can support development for as little as $1.99 / month on my Patreon page.
Demo 2 (still PG, Safe for work) is live here
Website (Safe for work, clean, no ads, banners, spam, no with adult material until you opt in for it and register) is here.
But wait, why, I don't have to. Nobody is telling me I have to.
I was thinking yesterday, I do that an awful lot, and realised I was just looking for some type of game that I didn't seem to be able to find. Something like Leisure Suit Larry; teasing, witty, sarcastic but a bit more modern. Not a remake, but something along those lines. I started searching for it and bumped into many adult or erotic or pornographic games but very few and far between were actually games. They are interfaces to get to the naughty. Many of them with atrocious graphics. Frequently the main challenge was to move your mouse in a certain speed to reach a certain level of excitement. In short, where adult content forms a big chunk of the internet and it's traffic and games form a big chunk or contemporary entertainment, where these meet seemed to be in it's infancy.
There were however two exceptions. There may be more but those two set me on this course because they were better but they weren't near what I was looking for, a more complete and challenging game with erotic undertones or full fledged adult content. One was more interesting, as a game but was using pictures and if I want to see Ukrainian chicks in compromising positions I know where to find them. The other had indeed fairly interesting art & graphics but a few plays showed the game was limited in challenges or scope. Bored rather quickly. Still, it was one of the better products I encountered in a quick search. And, more or equally important, none of it was something I couldn't do. That personal itch thing. Some people understand what I'm talking about: if you want something some way and it doesn't exist while you have the skills, you end up going out and hacking it together yourself.
And I thought that I couldn't be the only one who had been looking for this. One of the examples mentioned above, and my de facto inspiration to go out and do it (with some serious urgency, I might add) was making a little over £2.900 a month when I first checked his Patreon page. Two weeks later this was over £3.000.
I realised this could save my life. I don't want to sound desperate, but I am. And I could make similar at the very least and probably better, if not graphics (which is a matter of taste) then game-play; I've been playing around with partially random, interactive stories for years. I went at it with a vengeance, 18 hour days, coding or messing with The GIMP while CGI and animation was rendering in the background. Living on coffee. One week later the first demo was up, the website registered, the CMS installed. Another week later the second demo was up. The uncertainties about the technical feasibilities gone. One heroic individual had registered as a member. My first sponsor broke the ice.
And so Sunday I sat there, tired but happy that I met the (self imposed) deadlines and that, with that single first sponsor and member, the concept appeared not to be dead in the water. I went out to promote my game on Reddit, introduced myself and, on the spur of the moment, referred to Leisure Suit Larry with another post, 'Ken Sent Me', wondering how many people would remember this. But it also set me thinking.
Why porn? It wasn't necessarily porn I was looking for, even while I don't object to it. Or better, why only porn? I'm establishing a framework in which many stories, chapters or episodes can be developed. I'm putting up choices, implementing the twigs that can be branches and even sowing seeds that can grow into trees for future development. Why not also insert a PG option. Still sexy but not 'in your face', not explicit, hard core penetration and money shot. Tune it down a bit. So I've decided to insert that option which will be live in demo 3. You'll get to choose how low you want to go, or how deep, excuse these puns, with a PG or 18+ version.
Sounds good? Join the discussion in comments or connect on Facebook.
You can support development for as little as $1.99 / month on my Patreon page.
Demo 2 (still PG, Safe for work) is live here
Website (Safe for work, clean, no ads, banners, spam, no with adult material until you opt in for it and register) is here.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
The Game Explained
Now that I've published the second Development Demo I thought it might be a good idea to explain what this Interactive Erotic Game is all about, what is being produced, in a short, comprehensive overview. So here goes:
Private Tutor is the first instalment of a collection of HTML5/Canvas games that run on the internet, in any modern browser, without the need of a plug in. No more updating Flash. Minimal CSS and lots of Javascript and Jquery. It's the first chapter of a series of interactive and animated 3D GCI Graphic Novels. Some of the episodes may be tongue in cheek erotica, some may be hardcore.
The games are point and click adventures in a graphical environment that is partially animated by embedding MPG4 video. Not just during transitions; a part of the playing field is animated, allowing for a living, breathing atmosphere. It's not, repeat not intended to just be a flat click-through exercise to reach the naughty bits. Think Leisure Suit Larry.
Every story or chapter branches. In the demo first chapter you'll first get to select a girl, then an outfit. Both choices have an effect since the girls have a back-story that is unveiled over time , providing you, the protagonist character, with information to base decisions on. Their outfit determines or indicates their attitude, again changing the game, the required approach or adding options. And maybe it's up to you to change that attitude. With interactive I don't just mean that you click with your mouse and things happen. It means that your decisions and choices influence what can and can't happen. How characters react to you and how you can react to characters. Even you, yourself, the protagonist character, has an attitude that you pick: when you select a girl you can choose one, which makes you cautious or go for a random one, which makes you daring, again influencing possibilities to come.
You'll get to explore the environment, interact with objects and decide what to do with them. Again, these choices have an effect on how the story unfolds. In the demo, for example, you'll discover two sex-toys. You can leave them, take them or trash them. But what will the effect be if you leave them? Will a girl discover them? How will she react? Does this depend on the girl, her outfit, both? And what can you do if you have one and not if you don't? There's a book. (see screenshot). What to do with it?
In the first development demo I've shown a bit about dialogue but I've first completed the foundation for objects and inventory since conversation options depend on them. Dialogue is dynamic. Again, I can't stress this enough, it's a game, not an interface to race through.
Now, it's in the early stages of development but this was produced, from scratch, in two weeks. I'll update a new development demo weekly, on a Saturday, until I've reached a complete beta which is a full first story or chapter in concept but with a limited number of choices. I'm for instance currently only working with two outfits, one for each girl, to show the width of the spectrum that is intended to be achieved.
The game will be free to play but the free version will have limits in content and choices and also introduce game-play delay to stimulate membership and contribution.
And finally, I'm in dire need for support to continue development and actually even my life. Without your support I'll find myself living under a bridge real soon, and I'm not exaggerating. Support starts with $1.99 per month, not even the price of a pint and unlocks the full game, without restrictions. The Demo give a pretty decent indication of what this means already, and I've not even reached the naughty bits yet, where I suspect limitations to be more frustrating.
The demo is SAFE FOR WORK, it doesn't contain adult content or nudity. It's showing principles and foundations and is completely safe for work and all audiences. Also, the site is completely clean, no ads, banners, camgirls, pop-ups, anything. Just the game to play here.
If you'd like to support development (please, please do!) you can do so here.
If you've got any questions, let me know in the comments. Subscribe to this blog to be notified of new releases. It will always be suitable for the general public. I've got a blog on Xbiz for the adults :)
Private Tutor is the first instalment of a collection of HTML5/Canvas games that run on the internet, in any modern browser, without the need of a plug in. No more updating Flash. Minimal CSS and lots of Javascript and Jquery. It's the first chapter of a series of interactive and animated 3D GCI Graphic Novels. Some of the episodes may be tongue in cheek erotica, some may be hardcore.
The games are point and click adventures in a graphical environment that is partially animated by embedding MPG4 video. Not just during transitions; a part of the playing field is animated, allowing for a living, breathing atmosphere. It's not, repeat not intended to just be a flat click-through exercise to reach the naughty bits. Think Leisure Suit Larry.
Every story or chapter branches. In the demo first chapter you'll first get to select a girl, then an outfit. Both choices have an effect since the girls have a back-story that is unveiled over time , providing you, the protagonist character, with information to base decisions on. Their outfit determines or indicates their attitude, again changing the game, the required approach or adding options. And maybe it's up to you to change that attitude. With interactive I don't just mean that you click with your mouse and things happen. It means that your decisions and choices influence what can and can't happen. How characters react to you and how you can react to characters. Even you, yourself, the protagonist character, has an attitude that you pick: when you select a girl you can choose one, which makes you cautious or go for a random one, which makes you daring, again influencing possibilities to come.

In the first development demo I've shown a bit about dialogue but I've first completed the foundation for objects and inventory since conversation options depend on them. Dialogue is dynamic. Again, I can't stress this enough, it's a game, not an interface to race through.
Now, it's in the early stages of development but this was produced, from scratch, in two weeks. I'll update a new development demo weekly, on a Saturday, until I've reached a complete beta which is a full first story or chapter in concept but with a limited number of choices. I'm for instance currently only working with two outfits, one for each girl, to show the width of the spectrum that is intended to be achieved.
The game will be free to play but the free version will have limits in content and choices and also introduce game-play delay to stimulate membership and contribution.
And finally, I'm in dire need for support to continue development and actually even my life. Without your support I'll find myself living under a bridge real soon, and I'm not exaggerating. Support starts with $1.99 per month, not even the price of a pint and unlocks the full game, without restrictions. The Demo give a pretty decent indication of what this means already, and I've not even reached the naughty bits yet, where I suspect limitations to be more frustrating.
The demo is SAFE FOR WORK, it doesn't contain adult content or nudity. It's showing principles and foundations and is completely safe for work and all audiences. Also, the site is completely clean, no ads, banners, camgirls, pop-ups, anything. Just the game to play here.
If you'd like to support development (please, please do!) you can do so here.
If you've got any questions, let me know in the comments. Subscribe to this blog to be notified of new releases. It will always be suitable for the general public. I've got a blog on Xbiz for the adults :)
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Anal in Animation
No, I'm not talking about anal sex and animating it, I'm talking about the English expression where 'being anal' means you are very, very picky.
Today I started with coding some PHP for my members section, in particular to prevent people having to log in like a thousand times and also to distinguish between the various levels of players. So I want to pull this information from the Joomla database to use it elsewhere and since Joomla can already do that I thought I'd go and figure out what I could use and hack something for myself from various chunks. But I soon realized I was making life much to complicated, and was doing stupid redundant shit so I gave it a rest.
I don't know about you, but my mind keeps working when I'm not working it. If I've got a problem or a challenge or something I want to solve with code I try to formulate the desired outcome and go do something else. My mind will keep crunching while I'm for instance creating the CGI artwork I also need for my game but which seems to use another part of my brain.
My game, or at least the initial branch of the first chapter, starts with the selection of the female character the protagonist is going to be dealing with with. I don't want that scene to be static so I first made the scene, then animated the two characters a little, just a second or two that loops to begin with:
With a height of 384 pixels I can pull it into my Canvas and use the bottom half for text, choices, feedback, what have you. Now did you see it? Did you see it? Perhaps it's better if you could loop it (I have no idea what blogger can, it's my first video upload,)
In any case, no, the hand of the blonde is fine. There's theoretically a way to nail these in place but I've never thought that reliable so I'm just doing that by hand.
It's her hair! Her hair sticks into her shoulder! It also looks like it's made of wood since it's not animated yet but I knew it was a first go and wouldn't be perfect. Also, I decided that while the schoolgirl theme is fine for one of the 4 outfits the protagonist can choose from, and which determine the attitude of the girl, this one is a bit too cheesy. So I changed it, another reason to render this again.
But anal in animation, I gotta fix that hair.
Here's the outfits that the protagonist can choose from:

Update after seeing it. I don't fucking believe it. Crappy Youtube shait. And flash. What a load of crap. So I quickly slapped this together:
Check out this link which just shows the video above in a decent quality using current internet standards instead of fucking flash and doesn't confront you with adult material.
Today I started with coding some PHP for my members section, in particular to prevent people having to log in like a thousand times and also to distinguish between the various levels of players. So I want to pull this information from the Joomla database to use it elsewhere and since Joomla can already do that I thought I'd go and figure out what I could use and hack something for myself from various chunks. But I soon realized I was making life much to complicated, and was doing stupid redundant shit so I gave it a rest.
I don't know about you, but my mind keeps working when I'm not working it. If I've got a problem or a challenge or something I want to solve with code I try to formulate the desired outcome and go do something else. My mind will keep crunching while I'm for instance creating the CGI artwork I also need for my game but which seems to use another part of my brain.
My game, or at least the initial branch of the first chapter, starts with the selection of the female character the protagonist is going to be dealing with with. I don't want that scene to be static so I first made the scene, then animated the two characters a little, just a second or two that loops to begin with:
With a height of 384 pixels I can pull it into my Canvas and use the bottom half for text, choices, feedback, what have you. Now did you see it? Did you see it? Perhaps it's better if you could loop it (I have no idea what blogger can, it's my first video upload,)
In any case, no, the hand of the blonde is fine. There's theoretically a way to nail these in place but I've never thought that reliable so I'm just doing that by hand.
It's her hair! Her hair sticks into her shoulder! It also looks like it's made of wood since it's not animated yet but I knew it was a first go and wouldn't be perfect. Also, I decided that while the schoolgirl theme is fine for one of the 4 outfits the protagonist can choose from, and which determine the attitude of the girl, this one is a bit too cheesy. So I changed it, another reason to render this again.
But anal in animation, I gotta fix that hair.
Here's the outfits that the protagonist can choose from:

Update after seeing it. I don't fucking believe it. Crappy Youtube shait. And flash. What a load of crap. So I quickly slapped this together:
Check out this link which just shows the video above in a decent quality using current internet standards instead of fucking flash and doesn't confront you with adult material.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Free as in Infuriating
It's 2016. You can't just go out and produce porn without having to deal with a host of additional tasks. Many of them didn't exist only a couple of decades back.
One of them is creating a website to inform your audience and possibly allow for member registration. Community is quite the word, on the internet, possibly to compensate for the lack of it in the real world, where 1% of the population owns more than the other 99%. So I went out & installed Joomla, an open source CMS. It's not the first time I've done this but, to be honest, after working for a university creating high end 3d virtual learning environments for some 8 years, I didn't think I'd have to track back this far.
Joomla was a nuisance so I installed Drupal. Another open source CMS. Drupal was a nuisance as well so I un-installed both, checked on-line for a bit and installed Joomla again, but now the current version. And I set out to get myself a decent template, mess around with it and produce something that doesn't make your eyes bleed. That was Sunday, at around 8 in the morning. Now it's Monday and 9.47 in the morning. I did sleep some by the way.
But I did manage to pull it off. It's not perfect, especially the photo gallery plugin is rather crappy but I tried 3 different modules or extensions and I got fed up with it. After all, I want to produce a game, not a flawless image browsing site. So it's running two galleries, the third got deleted because it was one of those traps where only core functionality is included but to make it actually do anything useful you'll have to pay for the extensions that are required. Which leads me to the ecosystem I again had to navigate: Open Source Software (in this case Content Management Systems). I've been through those hills many times before.
The thing is, all of it is free, free as in freedom. Free as in Infuriating. Which doesn't mean it comes without a cost because frustration is also a price to pay. But in many cases you don't, in the grand scheme of things, pay for the software, the product. You pay for the knowledge about it. So it's never Joe Random Sixpack intuitive. You can figure it out if you spend the time on it, have the patience for a lot of trial and error and resolution to trawl through tens of forum pages where the same problem you bumped into is discussed but the answer doesn't work because it's another version running on another server with another configuration file in another location. Stuff like that. The more preceding knowledge you have, the faster this process is. If you've got none, you're in for some serious suffering. Although, and I have nothing to gain from stating this, am not affiliated -yet?-, my hosting provider comes with a seriously outstanding dashboard, that indeed just lets you install all these content management systems and required databases with the click of a mouse. It's using an installer called softaculous and if you've installed an Apache or PHP on *anything* a server before, you know that saves tons and tons of time. So, if you ever consider an adult site, I'd recommend Site Valley.
So here's the thing with all these content management systems. Nobody actually *wants* to make it so that Joe Random Sixpack can intuitively, easily understand it, install it, configure it, tweak it to perfection for their own individual and personal needs. That would kick the legs from under the chair this ecosystem sits on. You pay for the knowledge (or for the time it saves you when somebody has it already and you don't want to invest it in learning it). It's indeed a knowledge economy so some resources are harder to mine than others. Sure, it can still be done and I'm not objecting to it in principal. I still think it a better system than proprietary software, which boils down to pretty much the same thing but without the freedom to mess around with it yourself if you're so inclined and capable to. I'd be no less frustrated and irritated with a commercial provider because nothing is ever exactly how I want it and tweaking is inevitable. Commercial software provides another, additional reason te be infuriated: and I *pay* you for this? You motherfucking cunts!
Now, the example above, is an example of this ecosystem in optima forma. Softaculous performs a service for Site Valley, Site Valley combines this with others to perform a service for me at very reasonable costs. Companies like xswebdesign, which provided a free template that required minimal messing around with to give a good first result performs a service for businesses who can't be arsed to do it themselves and don't mind providing the source for the few and far between who do open the hood and tweak the engine. And everybody is happy.
But if Apache and PHP were easy as a breeze to install, Softaculous wouldn't have a business. If Joomla and Drupal were easy as a breeze to install, configure and customise web design companies wouldn't have a business. So there's bottlenecks, and they exist by mutual, subliminal understanding. It's all good and fine, as long as you can understand it, deal with it, and manage the mess that squeezing through those bottlenecks, like forcing thick hard shit through a thin pipe, generates.
So, long story short. I got it done and would like to hat-tip once again to the entire open source community, Joomla and Drupal in particular (I'm now determined to brush up my Drupal current knowledge with the next site I'll build, a sister where I'll publish my stand alone CGI) and especially again xswebdesign because that's a damned sexy template.
Oh, you can my first result here. It's no porn unless you opt in for it and register. Not bad for a Sunday, eh?
One of them is creating a website to inform your audience and possibly allow for member registration. Community is quite the word, on the internet, possibly to compensate for the lack of it in the real world, where 1% of the population owns more than the other 99%. So I went out & installed Joomla, an open source CMS. It's not the first time I've done this but, to be honest, after working for a university creating high end 3d virtual learning environments for some 8 years, I didn't think I'd have to track back this far.
Joomla was a nuisance so I installed Drupal. Another open source CMS. Drupal was a nuisance as well so I un-installed both, checked on-line for a bit and installed Joomla again, but now the current version. And I set out to get myself a decent template, mess around with it and produce something that doesn't make your eyes bleed. That was Sunday, at around 8 in the morning. Now it's Monday and 9.47 in the morning. I did sleep some by the way.
But I did manage to pull it off. It's not perfect, especially the photo gallery plugin is rather crappy but I tried 3 different modules or extensions and I got fed up with it. After all, I want to produce a game, not a flawless image browsing site. So it's running two galleries, the third got deleted because it was one of those traps where only core functionality is included but to make it actually do anything useful you'll have to pay for the extensions that are required. Which leads me to the ecosystem I again had to navigate: Open Source Software (in this case Content Management Systems). I've been through those hills many times before.
The thing is, all of it is free, free as in freedom. Free as in Infuriating. Which doesn't mean it comes without a cost because frustration is also a price to pay. But in many cases you don't, in the grand scheme of things, pay for the software, the product. You pay for the knowledge about it. So it's never Joe Random Sixpack intuitive. You can figure it out if you spend the time on it, have the patience for a lot of trial and error and resolution to trawl through tens of forum pages where the same problem you bumped into is discussed but the answer doesn't work because it's another version running on another server with another configuration file in another location. Stuff like that. The more preceding knowledge you have, the faster this process is. If you've got none, you're in for some serious suffering. Although, and I have nothing to gain from stating this, am not affiliated -yet?-, my hosting provider comes with a seriously outstanding dashboard, that indeed just lets you install all these content management systems and required databases with the click of a mouse. It's using an installer called softaculous and if you've installed an Apache or PHP on *anything* a server before, you know that saves tons and tons of time. So, if you ever consider an adult site, I'd recommend Site Valley.
So here's the thing with all these content management systems. Nobody actually *wants* to make it so that Joe Random Sixpack can intuitively, easily understand it, install it, configure it, tweak it to perfection for their own individual and personal needs. That would kick the legs from under the chair this ecosystem sits on. You pay for the knowledge (or for the time it saves you when somebody has it already and you don't want to invest it in learning it). It's indeed a knowledge economy so some resources are harder to mine than others. Sure, it can still be done and I'm not objecting to it in principal. I still think it a better system than proprietary software, which boils down to pretty much the same thing but without the freedom to mess around with it yourself if you're so inclined and capable to. I'd be no less frustrated and irritated with a commercial provider because nothing is ever exactly how I want it and tweaking is inevitable. Commercial software provides another, additional reason te be infuriated: and I *pay* you for this? You motherfucking cunts!
Now, the example above, is an example of this ecosystem in optima forma. Softaculous performs a service for Site Valley, Site Valley combines this with others to perform a service for me at very reasonable costs. Companies like xswebdesign, which provided a free template that required minimal messing around with to give a good first result performs a service for businesses who can't be arsed to do it themselves and don't mind providing the source for the few and far between who do open the hood and tweak the engine. And everybody is happy.
But if Apache and PHP were easy as a breeze to install, Softaculous wouldn't have a business. If Joomla and Drupal were easy as a breeze to install, configure and customise web design companies wouldn't have a business. So there's bottlenecks, and they exist by mutual, subliminal understanding. It's all good and fine, as long as you can understand it, deal with it, and manage the mess that squeezing through those bottlenecks, like forcing thick hard shit through a thin pipe, generates.
So, long story short. I got it done and would like to hat-tip once again to the entire open source community, Joomla and Drupal in particular (I'm now determined to brush up my Drupal current knowledge with the next site I'll build, a sister where I'll publish my stand alone CGI) and especially again xswebdesign because that's a damned sexy template.
Oh, you can my first result here. It's no porn unless you opt in for it and register. Not bad for a Sunday, eh?
Saturday, 23 July 2016
And so it begins
Frankly, I didn't think I'd be a porn producer. Sure, it was always on the cards, as an extremely remote and unlikely possibility, my skills and experiences considered. But I thought these skills would prove to be valuable elsewhere first. Commerce or Education or even Government would surely continue to provide me with an income in exchange for these skills in combination with my time. They've done so for decades.
It appears however that this is no longer the case. I'll speculate more about the possible reasons later. For now suffice it to say that even while I'm extremely proficient and experienced in my field that field doesn't yield a harvest in or from the professional venues mentioned above any more. And I've got to pay the rent.
So here I find myself, producing porn.
I do the Internet. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery. Or Canvas, Apache, PHP, MySQL. Words and acronyms that baffle the average human being and even if they recognize them, know what they mean or represent, to actually have a grip, make it work is not like walking while chewing gum. But I've been there, designed the T-shirt.
Yet here I find myself, producing porn.
I do CGI. I do animation and image manipulation. I wipe my arse with Photoshop and use The GIMP. I do 3D modeling, subdivision means nothing to me even while the Blender UI would stun the pilot of the space shuttle and Wings3D is like that space shuttle with just one incredibly intricated use of a single joystick. I even do Virtual Worlds and - Reality.
But I find myself, producing porn.
Now, I don't have a principal, moral, ethical objection against producing porn. Or consuming it. Or it existing. I don't consider producing porn to be a bad thing in essence. Producing porn is, from my perspective, the end game market. In life you learn, you work, you deal with the world and in the end, when those requirements are dealt with, you lean back and enjoy intimacy or porn. The two aren't mutually exclusive, by the way.
In any case, I thought I could contribute to commerce, education etc, the things in life that preceed that last leisure, with my skills and time, and generate revenue to pay the rent in exchange. Considering the reality that this is not true I find myself producing porn.
I find myself producing on-line interactive erotic games, combining high end CGI and animation with current internet standards. I am aiming for a consenting mature audience that is interested in erotica beyond high speed gonzo.
I'll use this blog to post about this adventure but I will cover more than just the games I'm producing. I'll drop problems I encountered while writing the javascrpt or jquery and how I solved them. I'll moan about the GIMP and work-arounds. I'll contemplate the state of the world or society I find myself in. In short, a diary.
But since I believe time is the most precious of all resources and should never be wasted I hope to inform as well as entertain. So you, dear reader, didn't think you've been wasting yours.
I know I haven't. Even while I was and am producing porn.
Oh. If you want to check it out, it can be found here.
It appears however that this is no longer the case. I'll speculate more about the possible reasons later. For now suffice it to say that even while I'm extremely proficient and experienced in my field that field doesn't yield a harvest in or from the professional venues mentioned above any more. And I've got to pay the rent.
So here I find myself, producing porn.
I do the Internet. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery. Or Canvas, Apache, PHP, MySQL. Words and acronyms that baffle the average human being and even if they recognize them, know what they mean or represent, to actually have a grip, make it work is not like walking while chewing gum. But I've been there, designed the T-shirt.
Yet here I find myself, producing porn.
I do CGI. I do animation and image manipulation. I wipe my arse with Photoshop and use The GIMP. I do 3D modeling, subdivision means nothing to me even while the Blender UI would stun the pilot of the space shuttle and Wings3D is like that space shuttle with just one incredibly intricated use of a single joystick. I even do Virtual Worlds and - Reality.
But I find myself, producing porn.
Now, I don't have a principal, moral, ethical objection against producing porn. Or consuming it. Or it existing. I don't consider producing porn to be a bad thing in essence. Producing porn is, from my perspective, the end game market. In life you learn, you work, you deal with the world and in the end, when those requirements are dealt with, you lean back and enjoy intimacy or porn. The two aren't mutually exclusive, by the way.
In any case, I thought I could contribute to commerce, education etc, the things in life that preceed that last leisure, with my skills and time, and generate revenue to pay the rent in exchange. Considering the reality that this is not true I find myself producing porn.
I find myself producing on-line interactive erotic games, combining high end CGI and animation with current internet standards. I am aiming for a consenting mature audience that is interested in erotica beyond high speed gonzo.
I'll use this blog to post about this adventure but I will cover more than just the games I'm producing. I'll drop problems I encountered while writing the javascrpt or jquery and how I solved them. I'll moan about the GIMP and work-arounds. I'll contemplate the state of the world or society I find myself in. In short, a diary.
But since I believe time is the most precious of all resources and should never be wasted I hope to inform as well as entertain. So you, dear reader, didn't think you've been wasting yours.
I know I haven't. Even while I was and am producing porn.
Oh. If you want to check it out, it can be found here.
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