Private Tutor is the first instalment of a collection of HTML5/Canvas games that run on the internet, in any modern browser, without the need of a plug in. No more updating Flash. Minimal CSS and lots of Javascript and Jquery. It's the first chapter of a series of interactive and animated 3D GCI Graphic Novels. Some of the episodes may be tongue in cheek erotica, some may be hardcore.
The games are point and click adventures in a graphical environment that is partially animated by embedding MPG4 video. Not just during transitions; a part of the playing field is animated, allowing for a living, breathing atmosphere. It's not, repeat not intended to just be a flat click-through exercise to reach the naughty bits. Think Leisure Suit Larry.
Every story or chapter branches. In the demo first chapter you'll first get to select a girl, then an outfit. Both choices have an effect since the girls have a back-story that is unveiled over time , providing you, the protagonist character, with information to base decisions on. Their outfit determines or indicates their attitude, again changing the game, the required approach or adding options. And maybe it's up to you to change that attitude. With interactive I don't just mean that you click with your mouse and things happen. It means that your decisions and choices influence what can and can't happen. How characters react to you and how you can react to characters. Even you, yourself, the protagonist character, has an attitude that you pick: when you select a girl you can choose one, which makes you cautious or go for a random one, which makes you daring, again influencing possibilities to come.

In the first development demo I've shown a bit about dialogue but I've first completed the foundation for objects and inventory since conversation options depend on them. Dialogue is dynamic. Again, I can't stress this enough, it's a game, not an interface to race through.
Now, it's in the early stages of development but this was produced, from scratch, in two weeks. I'll update a new development demo weekly, on a Saturday, until I've reached a complete beta which is a full first story or chapter in concept but with a limited number of choices. I'm for instance currently only working with two outfits, one for each girl, to show the width of the spectrum that is intended to be achieved.
The game will be free to play but the free version will have limits in content and choices and also introduce game-play delay to stimulate membership and contribution.
And finally, I'm in dire need for support to continue development and actually even my life. Without your support I'll find myself living under a bridge real soon, and I'm not exaggerating. Support starts with $1.99 per month, not even the price of a pint and unlocks the full game, without restrictions. The Demo give a pretty decent indication of what this means already, and I've not even reached the naughty bits yet, where I suspect limitations to be more frustrating.
The demo is SAFE FOR WORK, it doesn't contain adult content or nudity. It's showing principles and foundations and is completely safe for work and all audiences. Also, the site is completely clean, no ads, banners, camgirls, pop-ups, anything. Just the game to play here.
If you'd like to support development (please, please do!) you can do so here.
If you've got any questions, let me know in the comments. Subscribe to this blog to be notified of new releases. It will always be suitable for the general public. I've got a blog on Xbiz for the adults :)
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